We offer on-premise solutions

Looking for the right solution for your  needs for on-premise Microsoft licences?
This is why pre-owned licences are popular.

Start saving up to 70% on volume licences!

Below you'll find the form to start saving,  on your on-premise licences. We are happy to help. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We have a business case as an example that gives a quick insight and shows where your advantage is coming from. Below you find 4 amazing facts about Microsoft on-premise licences.


The organizations that migrated to the cloud, supply a great amount of licences that can be re-used.


When you buy pre-owned licences, you are also able to buy the version you actually need. This is efficiency!


When using pre-owned licences, the savings can go up to 70%!


We guarantee that the licenses provided will pass Microsoft's audit.


Looking for an offer on Microsoft volume licences? We are happy to help you.

Fill out the form and we get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance and looking forward to your request.
What are you looking for?
Organization / Company(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Our European Team is waiting for your call and here to help. In the Czech Republic, Ivo Tomanek is our country manager.

Contact us and let's be compliant, within your budget!

Feel Free to Contact Us

Ivo Tomanek is our country manager in the   Czech Republic
ivo.tomanek@licensepro.cz+420 603484557
Ivo Tomanek LicensePro

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